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  • How can I make a payment?
    At Opos Limited we will provide you every means to make payment to us, quickly and securely. Payment can be made to Opos via any of the following methods; Access our payment line by calling 0141 428 3990. A Debit card transaction charge of £0.40 or Credit Card transaction charge of 2% of the amount must be added to the amount you pay. Please note all payments made via this method will be taken in British Pounds Sterling. Manage your account and Pay Online Now by selecting the options down the left hand side of this page. You will need your letter to hand for your log in details. Make a cash payment via Allpay. Simply take your letter to any Post Office or any location with PayPoint or Payzone facilities, scan the bar code on the letter, and make your payment. The maximum payment which can be made using this method is £150. For any Allpay transaction a charge of £1.50 must be added to the amount you pay. This facility is only available in the United Kingdom.
  • I Have Multiple Debts and Need Advice?
    You can contact the following not-for-profit organisations for free, confidential, and impartial debt advice, or for details of where to get such advice in your area. Citizens Advice For advice and information on debt and other topics, visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau (address in the phone book) or go to Money Advice Service For free, unbiased and easy-to-access money tools, information and advice, visit or phone 0300 500 5000 to speak to a Money Advisor. National Debtline If you live in England, Wales, or Scotland phone 0808 808 4000 or visit for debt advice and information. Money Advice Scotland If you live in Scotland, phone 0141 572 0237 or visit to find contact details for debt advice in your local area. Advice NI If you live in Northern Ireland, visit, or email debt@adviceni.netfor debt advice. AdviceUK Member centres offer debt advice including specialist advice for minority communities and people with disabilities. For further information phone 0300 777 0107 StepChange Debt Charity For debt advice throughout the UK phone 0800 138 1111 or visit PayPlan You can contact Pay Plan on 0800 917 7823 or visit their website at
  • I Wish to Make a Complaint
    As an ethical and professional credit management organisation, we take our responsibilities very seriously. Opos Limited are members of the Credit Services Association and abide by the code of practice, which can be viewed here: We adhere to the standards and guidance set out by the Financial Conduct Authority source book, CONC. We also hold an FCA Consumer Credit Licence licence no. FRN 693817 and are registered with the Information Commissionaires Office under the Data Protection Act registration no. Z1324098. If you have been unhappy with the level of service you have been provided by Opos Limited please either email us including all details of your complaint, and your reference number, ensuring you mark the subject header on your email as COMPLAINT to or alternatively write to us at: Opos Limited 2nd Floor 15 Meadowbank Street Dumbarton G82 1JR Please always quote your reference number on any correspondence.
  • I Can't See an Answer to my Question
    No problem at all! The Opos team are on hand to answer any other questions you may have. Simply call us on 0141 428 3990 or email us at Visit our Contact Page to view other ways of contacting Opos and for our opening times.
  • Who can I speak to about a question on my Silicon Account?
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  • How do I access the customer website?
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We're here to help. We've assembled our frequently asked questions and answers below.


However, if you have questions about anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us using the link below

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone or email.

Link to Contact Us

Silicon Marketing Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Reference Number 674008). 
You can confirm our registration on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website or by contacting the Financial Conduct Authority on 0800 111 6768 


Silicon Marketing Limited Registered office is: Silicon Marketing Limited, Bawtry Hall, South Parade, DN10 6JH. Is a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 07794335. Silicon Credit Management is a trading style of Silicon Marketing Limited 

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